#4 Green. Compare this picture with the one I took Mar 15
right after snow blowing. |
The weather has co-operated fairly well this past week. Clear night skies has allowed temperatures to dip well below zero but we are still ahead from where we were last year at this time. The forecast for next week looks very favourable and I expect the greens to be ice free by the end of next week. The importance of surface drainage at this time can not be over stated enough.
#14 Green. Prior to snow blowing last week, this green
had 23cm (9 inches) of snow. |
Over the next few weeks, we will be keeping a close eye on the greens and making sure to "push off" any standing water that may be present. Standing water on the greens which has the ability to re-freeze can lead to crown hydration and disease issues. ( See Feb 21 / 2012 Post)
At times like this, any sub-surface drainage that maybe present is not operational since the ground is frozen.
#12 Green. Back left corner of green and collar holding
excessive water/ice from poor surface drainage.
I'm anticipating winter kill issues here. |
#15 Tee. There was 25cm (10 inches) of snow here. Clearing
off now will allow the tee to melt a lot quicker and recover
in time for course opening. |
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